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BITTENCOURT, LIS ; CARVALHO, RAFAEL ; SANTOS-NETO, ELITIERI B. ; Bisi, Tatiana L. ; LAILSON-BRITO, JOSE ; Azevedo, Alexandre F. . Dwarf minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) acoustic signals from the South Atlantic Ocean. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, v. 11, p. 1-6, 2024. DOI:
DURANTE, CRISTIAN ALBERTO ; MANHÃES, BÁRBARA ; SANTOS-NETO, ELITIERI BATISTA ; Azevedo, Alexandre de Freitas ; CRESPO, ENRIQUE ALBERTO ; Lailson-Brito, José . Natural and anthropogenic organic brominated compounds in the southwestern Atlantic ocean: Bioaccumulation in coastal and oceanic dolphin species. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, v. 341, p. 123005, 2024. DOI:
BARRETO, C. F.; DA SILVA DE FREITAS, A. ; DE SOUZA, T.; DE TOLEDO, M. ; DA COSTA PORTILHO-RAMOS, R.; DOS REIS, A. T. ; DA SILVA, C. L . A late Quaternary palynological record from the southeastern margin of Brazil: Implications for the evolution of palaeoceanography, palaeoclimates and vegetation over the last 109 kyr. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY, v. 641, p. 112138, 2024. DOI:
RABINEAU, Marina ; BENABDELLOUAHED, MASSINISSA ; BALTZER, AGNES ; PELLEN, ROMAIN ; Tadeu dos Reis, Antonio ; MAIA, Renata ; Et al. 100,000 years climatic cycles recorded on very high-resolution seismic data from the Santos Basin?s upper slope during the last 800 ka. JOURNAL OF SOUTH AMERICAN EARTH SCIENCES, v. 132, p. 104635, 2023. DOI:
CECCOPIERI, MILENA ; FARIAS, CÁSSIA O. ; ARAÚJO, MICHELLE ; SOARES, MARIO L.G. ; ESTRADA, GUSTAVO C.D. ; Wagener, Angela ; HAMACHER, CLÁUDIA . Aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments as a tool for the assessment of the contamination status of mangrove forests in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, v. 192,
HAMACHER, C.; FARIAS, C. O. ; ARAÚJO, M.P. ; PITTA, J.M.P. ; SANTOS, C.A. ; SOARES, M. Community-based assessment of marine resources contamination after a large-scale oil spill. ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS, v. 94, p. 1-16, 2022. DOI:
TOCCI, B. R. C. ; MOSER, G. A. O. ; CIOTTI, A. M. . Phytoplankton Composition from Araçá Bay and São Sebastião Channel, São Paulo, Brazil. BIOTA NEOTROPICA (ONLINE. EDIÇÃO EM INGLÊS), v. 23, p. 5-15, 2023. DOI:
BARTUAL, A. ; MORALES-CASELLES, C. ; MOSER, G. A. O. ; PAPASPYROU, S. ; ORTEGA, M. J. ; PRIETO, L. . Editorial: Adaptive strategies and interactions of marine phytoplankton in the contemporary ocean: From genes to ecosystems. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, v. 9, p. 9:1049929, 2022. DOI:
DAMASCENO, F. L. ET AL. Assessment of the ecological quality status of the Sepetiba Bay (SE Brazil): When metabarcoding meets morphology on foraminifera. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, v. 195, p. 106340, 2024. DOI:

CARVALHO, B. C. ; GUERRA, J. V. . Estimates of longshore sediment transport rates along Macumba and Recreio-Barra da Tijuca sandy beaches (Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil). International Journal of Sediment Research, v. 39, p. 317-326, 2024. DOI:

FERNANDES, ALEXANDRE MACEDO; PASSOS, ELISA NÓBREGA ; MOSER, GLEYCI APARECIDA OLIVEIRA ; CALIL, PAULO HENRIQUE REZENDE ; DE OLIVEIRA, EDUARDO NEGRI ; ESPÍNDOLA, ROGÉRIO PINTO. Temperature stratification in the Guanabara Bay and its relationship with wind-induced coastal upwelling off Cabo Frio, Brazil. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, v. 291, p. 108433, 2023. DOI:

PASSOS, E. ; SANCHO, L. ; MOSER, G.A. ; PIEDRAS, F. ; ESPÍNDOLA, R.P. ; FERNANDES, A. South Atlantic Central Water Intrusion in the Southeast Brazil Bight and its impacts. REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE, v. 67, p. 103232-13, 2023. DOI:

RODRIGUES, DOUGLAS ; FERNANDES, ALEXANDRE ; FILIPPO, ALESSANDRO ; KJERFVE, BJÖRN ; PINTO, LIGIA ; NEVES, RAMIRO . Low-frequency circulation on the Ilha Grande channel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE, v. 50, p. 102129, 2022. DOI:

Carvalho Ferreira, H.; Lôbo-Hajdu, G. Microplastics in coastal and oceanic surface waters and their role as carriers of pollutants of emerging concern in marine organisms. Marine Environmental Research, v. 188, p. 106021, 2023. DOI:

Hardoim, C.C.P.; Hardoim, P.R.; Lôbo-Hajdu, G.; Custódio, M.R.; Thomas, T. The microbiome of the sponge Aplysyna caissara in two sites with different levels of anthropogenic impact. FEMS Microbiology Letters, v. 370, p. 1-8, 2023. DOI:

Short, F. S.; Lôbo-Hajdu, G.; Guimarães, SM; Laport, M. S.; Silva, R. Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria from free-living green turtles (Chelonia mydas). Antibiotics-Basel, v. 12, p. 1268, 2023. DOI:

Nascimento-Silva, G.; Costa, C.M.; Lobo-Hajdu, G.; Custódio, M.R.; Hardoim, C.C.P. Diversity and structure of bacterial and archaeal communities associated with the vulnerable sponge Halichondria cebimarensis. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, v. 116, p. 1, 2023. DOI:

Breves, A.; De Paula, T.S.; Spotorno, P.; Fernandes, M.R.; Lôbo-Hajdu, G.; Pimenta, A.D. Living in solitude or building reefs: ecophenotypic variation of the vermetid Petaloconchus varians revealed by mitochondrial DNA analysis. Journal of Molluscan Studies, v. 88, p. eyac030, 2022. DOI:

AGUIAR, A. ; ALMEIDA, M. M. ; CIRANO, M. ; PEREIRA, J. ; Cotrim da Cunha, Leticia . Numerical assessment of tidal potential energy in the Brazilian Equatorial Shelf. RENEWABLE ENERGY, v. 220, p. 119684, 2024. DOI:

OLIVEIRA, R. R. ; AFFE, H. M. J. ; SANTOS, R. A. C. ; PINHO, L. Q. ; FRANKLIN, T. V. ; MIGUEL, G. ; Cotrim da Cunha, Leticia . fonte ou sumidouro? uma revisão sobre os fluxos de co2 na plataforma continental brasileira. química nova (online), v. 45, p. AR2022-0092, 2023. Citações:2. DOI:


SOUZA, R. B. ; da Cunha, Leticia Cotrim ; HERNANDEZ, F. ; RODRIGUES, R. R. . Editorial: The role of the South Atlantic on the interbasin and pole-to-pole connections. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, v. 10, p. 1137809, 2023. DOI:

AFFE, H. M. J. ; ROCHA, D. S. B. ; PIEDRAS, F. R. ; MOSER, G. A. O. ; Araújo, M. ; da Cunha, Leticia C. Sea-air CO2 fluxes along the Brazilian continental margin. Ocean And Coastal Research, v. 71, p. e23017, 2023. Citações:1. DOI:

CAETANO, L. ; GUALLAR, C. ; MARTIN, J. ; VIDAL, M. ; da Cunha, Leticia Cotrim ; VIEIRA, R. ; AMORA-NOGUEIRA, L. ; PELEGRI, J. L. ; MAROTTA, H. Multiple controls on carbon dioxide sequestration in the beagle channel (Southern Patagonia) in early fall. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS, p. 103858, 2023. Citações:2|2. DOI:

VIEIRA, R. L. E. ; Cotrim da Cunha, Leticia ; PINHO, L. Q. ; FERNANDES, A. M. ; SANTOS, R. A. C. ; KEIM, R. A. ; ASSIS, C. A. M. ; FRANKLIN, T. V. ; NOGUEIRA, J. Biogeochemical Characteristics of Western Tropical Atlantic Ocean Water Masses. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ, v. 45, p. 45732, 2022. DOI:

LAUVSET, SIV K. ; LANGE, NICO ; TANHUA, TOSTE ; BITTIG, HENRY C. ; OLSEN, ARE ; KOZYR, ALEX ; ALIN, S. ; ÁLVAREZ, MARTA ; AZETSU-SCOTT, K. ; Barbero, L. ; BECKER, SUSAN ; BROWN, P. J. ; CARTER, BRENDAN R. ; DA CUNHA, L. C. ; FEELY, RICHARD A. ; HOPPEMA, MARIO ; HUMPHREYS, M. ; ISHII, MASAO ; JEANSSON, EMIL ; JIANG, L. . GLODAPv2.2022: the latest version of the global interior ocean biogeochemical data product. Earth System Science Data, v. 14, p. 5543-5572, 2022. Citações:26|14. 


Vital, Nerelle; Brinatti Guari, Emi; Bisi, Tatiana; Flach, Leonardo; Lailson Brito Junior, José; De Freitas Azevedo, Alexandre Feeding habits of the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, (Van Bénéden, 1864) (Cetacea: Delphinidae) in Sepetiba and Ilha Grande bays, southeastern Brazil. Regional Studies in Marine Science, v. 73, p. 103446, 2024. DOI:

De Oliveira-Ferreira, Nara; Santos-Neto, Elitieri B.; Manhães, Bárbara M.R.; Domit, Camila; Secchi, Eduardo R.; Botta, Silvina; Cunha, Haydée A.; Azevedo, Alexandre F.; Bisi, Tatiana L.; Lailson-Brito, José . An additional threat to populations predicted to collapse: Organobromine compounds of natural and anthropogenic sources in rough-toothed dolphins from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Chemosphere, v. 323, p. 138237, 2023.


Tovar, Lucas Rodrigues; Sus, Bruna; Azevedo, Alexandre; Lailson-Brito, José; Bisi, Tatiana L. Mercury toxicology in Epinephelidae fishes: A multiple tissue approach in two groupers species from southwestern Atlantic (SE-Brazil). Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 191, p. 114967, 2023. DOI:

Tovar, Lucas Rodrigues; Neves, Mariana Cappello; Manhães, Bárbara M.R.; Montanini, Gleici; Azevedo, Alexandre De Freitas; Lailson-Brito, José; Bisi, Tatiana L. Understanding trophic transference role in mercury biomagnification and bioaccumulation in the Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis). Chemosphere, v. 338, p. 139496, 2023. DOI:

Neves, M.C.; Vannuci-Silva, M.; Montanini, G.; Azevedo, A.F.; Lailson-Brito, J.; Bisi, T.L. From narrow and overlapped to wide and segregated: The isotopic niche of a tropical cetacean community. Ecological Indicators, v. 154, p. 110711, 2023. DOI:

Bittencourt, Lis; Barbosa, Mariana; Paiva, Afonso M.; Mill, Guilherme N.; Costa, Vladimir S.; Bisi, Tatiana L.; Lailson-Brito, José; Azevedo, Alexandre F. Assessment of cetacean exposure to underwater noise in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 293, p. 108510, 2023. DOI:

Vianna-Gatts, Fernanda; Montanini, Gleici; Azevedo, Alexandre F.; Lailson-Brito, José; Bisi, Tatiana L. Feeding ecology based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes: A comparative study on different Guiana dolphin tissues. Marine Environmental Research, v. 192, p. 106234, 2023. DOI:

Bittencourt, Lis; Barbosa, Mariana; Fernandes, Myllene; Bisi, Tatiana L.; Lailson-Brito, José; Azevedo, Alexandre F. Fish chorus variation in a tropical estuarine environment. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, v. 154, p. 3158-3167, 2023. DOI:

De Oliveira-Ferreira, Nara; Santos-Neto, Elitieri B.; Manhães, Bárbara M.R.; Carvalho, Vitor L.; Gonçalves, Letícia; De Castilho, Pedro V.; Secchi, Eduardo R.; Botta, Silvina; Marcondes, Milton C.C.; Colosio, Adriana C.; Cremer, Marta J.; Cunha, Haydée A.; Azevedo, Alexandre F.; Bisi, Tatiana L.; Lailson-Brito, José. The deep dive of organohalogen compounds: Bioaccumulation in the top predators of mesopelagic trophic webs, pygmy and dwarf sperm whales, from the Southwestern Atlantic ocean. Chemosphere, v. 345, p. 140456, 2023. DOI:

Manhães, B.M.R.; Vannuci-Silva, M.; Brião, J.A.; Guari, E.B.; Botta, S.; Colosio, A.C.; Ramos, H.G.C.; Barbosa, L.A.; Cunha, I.A.G.; Azevedo, A.F.; Cunha, H.A.; Bisi, T.L.; Lailson-Brito, J. Temporal trends of trace elements bioaccumulation by a vulnerable cetacean (Pontoporia blainvillei) before and after one of the largest mining disasters worldwide. Science of the Total Environment, v. 804, p. 150196, 2022. DOI:

De Oliveira-Ferreira, Nara; Manhães, Bárbara M.R.; Santos-Neto, Elitieri B.; Rocha, Yasmin; Guari, Emi B.; Botta, Silvina; Colosio, Adriana C.; Ramos, Hernani G.C.; Barbosa, Lupércio; Cunha, Ian A.G.; Bisi, Tatiana L.; Azevedo, Alexandre F.; Cunha, Haydée A.; Lailson-Brito, José. Franciscana dolphins, Pontoporia blainvillei, as environmental sentinels of the world's largest mining disaster: Temporal trends for organohalogen compounds and their consequences for an endangered population. Environmental Pollution, v. 306, p. 119370, 2022. DOI:

Pereira, Karina S.; Carvalho, Rafael R.; Rosa, Camila L. P.; Santos-Neto, Elitieri B.; Lailson-Brito, José; Bisi, Tatiana L.; Azevedo, Alexandre F. Large groups of Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) in a coastal bay from southeastern Brazil. Marine Mammal Science, v. 39, p. 1-11, 2022. DOI:

Vannuci-Silva, M.; Manhães, B.M.R.; Guari, E.B.; Botta, S.; Colosio, A.C.; Barbosa, L.A.; Bertozzi, C.P.; Azevedo, A.F.; Cunha, H.A.; Bisi, T.L.; Lailson-Brito, J. Spatial trends of trace elements bioaccumulation in the most endangered dolphin from the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: The franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei). Environmental Pollution, v. 308, p. 119655, 2022. DOI:

TEIXEIRA, PEDRO H. O.; MONTANINI, GLEICI; FARRO, ANA P. C.; COLOSIO, ADRIANA C.; RAMOS, HERNANI G. C.; BARBOSA, LUPÉRCIO A.; CUNHA, IAN A. G.; HOSTIM'SILVA, MAURÍCIO; Azevedo, Alexandre F.; CUNHA, HAYDÉE A.; LAILSON'BRITO, JOSÉ; Bisi, Tatiana L. Trophic ecology and small-scale differentiation of ecological groups of franciscana dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei, in southeastern Brazil, revealed by carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Marine Mammal Science. , v.e13128, p.1 - 16, 2024. DOI:

BRIÃO, J.A. ; VANNUCI-SILVA, M. ; SANTOS-NETO, E.B. ; MANHÃES, B.M.R. ; OLIVEIRA-FERREIRA, N. ; MACHADO, L. ; VIDAL, L.G. ; GUARI, E.B. ; FLACH, L. ; BISI, T.L. ; AZEVEDO, A.F. ; Lailson-Brito, J. Back on top: Resuspended by dredging and other environmental disturbances, organochlorine compounds may affect the health of a dolphin population in a tropical estuary, Sepetiba Bay. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, v. 348, p. 123788, 2024. DOI:

OLIVEIRA-FERREIRA, NARA ; MANHÃES, BÁRBARA M.R. ; SANTOS-NETO, ELITIERI ; CARVALHO, RAFAEL RAMOS ; CUNHA, HAYDÉE ANDRADE ; AZEVEDO, ALEXANDRE FREITAS ; BISI, TATIANA LEMOS ; LAILSON-BRITO, JOSÉ . Organohalogen compounds in a hotspot for chemical pollution: Assessment in free-ranging Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, v. 926, p. 171912, 202.


L. C. Ferreira, N. Stanton, A. C. Gordon, R. Schmitt, The Magmatic Rifting of Santos Basin: Aeromagnetic Mapping of Dykes, Terranes and Marginal Structures and the Interplay Between Tectonism and Volcanism, Advancing Earth and Spaces Sciences. DOI:

Natasha Stanton a, Andres Gordon PhD a, Cassia Cardozo Msc a, Nick Kusznir PhD b, Morphostructure, emplacement and duration of the Abrolhos Magmatic Province: A geophysical analysis of the largest post-breakup magmatism of the South-Eastern Brazilian margin, Elsevier. DOI:

Michelle Cunha Graça, Natasha Santos Gomes Stanton and Andres Ceasar Gordon, The Volcanic Outer High Of The Campos Rifted Margin In Southeast Brazil: The Structure and Formation Of The SEMABrazilian Journal of Geophysics DOI:

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